“Wit, style & timing”
We reveal the stories that connect you with the world. Using our unique blend of visual storytelling and group engagement, we champion experimental thinking, creative communication and truly collaborative partnerships.
+ Animation
We produce independent animated films, experimenting with narrative, aesthetic and process to explore human relationships. Enjoy our films and discover what we have in development on our animation page.
+ Experiences
Figuration experiences include public workshops, masterclasses and courses, as well as exhibitions and interactive performances. We also deliver private creative events for team building, skills development and ideation, using life drawing, portraiture, animation and green screen to reveal your creativity.
+ Studio Services
Whether you’re crafting your vision, communicating your brand or simply in need of technical support for your film, our studio services can help. We can write your case for support to engage potential funders, create branded visuals to reach clients, and deliver professional audio-visual production services.