Double Dietrich
blonde / brunette
feminine / masculine
icon / iconoclast
For this special edition of Starkers at The Glory, we celebrated Marlene Dietrich in collaboration with Art Model Collective. Blonde and brunette, feminine and masculine, icon and iconoclast, AMC’s Manko and Carla choreographed poses inspired by this Queer legend in all her duality.
The event was inspired by Marlene Dietrich: Dressed for the Image at the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC. This exhibition of photographs showed how Dietrich challenged the strictly limited notions of femininity at the time through her lifestyle and fashion.
Starkers at The Glory is a monthly performance life drawing event on the glitter-strewn stage of Hackney’s infamous drag bar. We collaborate with performers to give a theatrical experience for you to capture in your drawing with the nude human form as its inspiration.
Art Model Collective is a model-run group organising multi-model life drawing sessions in London while championing fair pay through profit share ethos. It is run by Manko and Carla.
All Double Dietrich photos © Toby Deveson 2017